New to town? Check out the following local resources to get dialed in to all things Wayland!
The MOTHER DOC - a compilation of information by Wayland Moms for Wayland Moms with tons of information about local childcare, camps, activities, restaurants, playgrounds, hiking/walking trails, farmers markets, town events, and more! This is a living, breathing document intended to make lives easier. When contributing ideas to the spreadsheet please remember this is a public resource, not for promoting businesses, and be respectful-no negative reviews.
Wayland Dads - a great way for dads to meet other dads! Join their softball league, get on their newsletter, or meet up with them at Saturday drop-ins scheduled periodically throughout the winter.
Wayland Public Library children's activities - the WPL provides lots of great activities for children throughout each month. During the school year, you can find all of the children's library activities right in our monthly newsletter. You can also visit the WPL website to reserve free passes to art museums, nature preserves, and zoos in the Greater Boston area.
Wayland Public Schools Newsletter - you can subscribe to the WPS newsletters and stay up to date on your school's events and announcements. Subscribing to one of the school's newsletters will automatically subscribe you to the "All Schools Newsletter" which contains town-wide announcements and events relevant to families with children in the school system.
Wayland Recreation Department - you can check out their activities in the booklet mailed to homes at the start of each season and register online. Don't forget to get your beach passes!